
Knowing Coping Mechanisms For Better Mental Health

Knowing Coping Mechanisms For Better Mental Health

Life comes with various events. Some of them are great, but some of them are undesirable. Some are within your control, while others are not. No one always gets to choose which to have. You must face whatever comes your way whether you’re willing to or not. However, there are things created to get you through the challenging ones. Coping mechanisms are psychological strategies designed to help you deal with stress. 


A method or process used to handle difficulties, coping mechanisms help you maintain mental and emotional well-being while helping you adjust to distressing situations. Losing a loved one, getting married, and having a demanding job are only a few examples. Through proper means of coping, you can manage your emotions to avoid or lessen the negative effects of a stressful life event. Coping mechanisms can also be done either consciously or not. There are people who naturally try to cope without being aware of it.


When you’re distressed, asking yourself whether you should change your situation or you should find a better way to cope, answers which kind of coping strategy you need. Coping strategies can be emotion-focused or problem-focused. Emotion-focused coping involves regulating your negative emotional reactions. Problem-focused coping is confronting the source of your stress in an attempt to decrease its impact or get rid of it completely.

aims to change the way you experience a stressorattempts to handle a stressor head-on
guides you in managing your feelingshelps you by dealing with the problem itself
e.g. Taking control of your emotions instead of trying to change a situation you have no power overe.g. Leaving a toxic relationship if the other person is the main source of your stress
you may seek out supportyou may take direct action

These two are forms of adaptive-behavioral coping strategy. On the other hand, Appraisal or adaptive cognitive coping strategy occurs when you alter how you think–seeing the humor in your problem for instance. Coping mechanisms can also be categorized as “active” or “avoidant”. Active coping is when you’re aware of what causes you stress and you’re consciously attempting to handle it, while avoidant coping happens when you’re trying to ignore the problem.     

Coping Mechanism Techniques

There are many different methods under coping mechanisms. Here are some of them:

  • Engaging in regular physical activity. Using your muscles does nothing but good to both your mind and body. 
  • Hobbies. Journaling, listening to music, cooking, etc. Do something you enjoy to take your mind off stress.
  • Breathing exercises. Proper breathing and taking in deep breaths are as beneficial as physical exercise to your overall health.
  • Doing mental activities that reduce stress. Visualizing your “happy place” or playing mentally stimulating games can give you a break from whatever is bothering you. 
  • Taking care of your body. Physical state can affect the psychological. Healthy lifestyle and good hygiene are essential.
  • Releasing pent-up emotions. Hidden emotions are dangerous. They can do serious harm to your mental health. Find a way to let it all out comfortably (spending time alone, making art, singing, confiding in someone, etc.).
  • Having a laugh. Laughter triggers release of feel good chemicals and can temporarily relieve pain.
  • Maintaining a healthy social life. Keeping in touch with loved ones or acquaintances, even once in a while, promotes mental well-being.
  • Meditating or praying. Regardless of what you believe in, having some quiet time truly helps. Your beliefs empower you.
  • Relaxing. Rest is always necessary. No one’s a superhero. Instead of dwelling on your problems, go easy on yourself. 
  • Opening up. You never know how much sharing your worries with another person can save you.
  • Transforming your problem-solving habits. Inspect your usual way of dealing with stressors to see if they still work. Maybe it’s time to form new ones.
  • Seeking professional help or advice. Therapy is effective. No matter what you’re going through, you can trust mental health practitioners to help you.

The techniques you use depend on your condition, needs, preferences, or therapist’s recommendation.

Unhealthy Coping Mechanism 

Do you know that coping can be a form of addiction? Maladaptive coping strategies like substance abuse, excessive eating, and use of illegal drugs may distract you from your problems, but they are destructive. They get you nowhere. Succumbing to negative behavior patterns is a normal instinct you have to constantly fight.

Good Coping Mechanisms

The coping techniques we’ve discussed are all good coping strategies. They don’t cause you harm of any sort and they really help you stay strong as you deal with stressful situations. Understand, though, that not all of these coping mechanisms can work for everyone. You might need to experiment (with a therapist’s assistance if you already have one) until you find those that work best for you. 

Difference Between Coping & Defense Mechanisms

Because of a few similarities, some confuse defense mechanisms with coping mechanisms. However, they are far different. Defense mechanism is an unconscious reaction pattern that protects a person from painful thoughts. For example, denial is when you distance yourself from unpleasant feelings, ideas, or circumstances by refusing to acknowledge reality. In addition, before you think you might be using defense mechanisms for coping, consider first if you’re actually referring to maladaptive coping strategies. 

Coping Mechanisms and Mental Health

Indeed, coping strategies can improve psychological health and maintain mental well-being. They can also contribute to your own personal growth. Being able to handle stress is an advantage in many ways. Self-empowerment is one. Coping mechanisms are like signs on the road. They show you the best way out of distressing situations that can suffocate your psyche. Although stress can lead to mental health disorders, proper coping can keep it from happening.  

Coping mechanisms are very important. They not only can help you survive life’s problems, they can also help you keep your sanity. Stressful experiences do take a toll on the human mind, but you may choose to prevent them from taking over your life. Make it a habit. Practice your strategies every time you encounter them. If you need to, don’t hesitate in seeking professional help. Therapists can help you develop coping skills and methods. Moreover, they can help you find out if the ones you might already have are working or not. Coping strategy selection depends on your background (personal, cultural, situational, etc.). Remember that the more you use your coping mechanisms regularly, the better they can serve you. 

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Written by Hannah Grace

A B.S. Psychology graduate who fights both real and imaginary shadows every day with music and words.


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