
Know The Right Therapy For Your Mental Health Condition

Deciding to undergo therapy is an essential first step towards recovery. You’ve already won half the battle when you understand and accept your mental health condition. Among all the different kinds of therapy, you need to find one that will work best for you. These are a few significant types:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT is a form of psychological treatment which aims to treat a range of conditions such as depression, anxiety disorders, addictions, and phobias. This therapy is proven to be effective and at times even more effective than other forms of therapy. CBT involves changing negative thought patterns and behavior. Your therapist works with you through a treatment plan that focuses on your current situation, considering-not analyzing-past experiences for information. The goal is to move forward. Ultimately, CBT aims to make you capable of managing your own mind and behavior by learning the right coping skills.

Marriage or Family Therapy

If you and your partner or family have unresolved issues, this therapy can help. Whether it’s personal or not, all parties need to take part to ensure a positive outcome. With a therapist’s guidance, you uncover the root of the problem and solve it through proper communication. Successful therapy also produces considerable improvement in your relationship.


Counseling is a broad discipline, but it’s a form of psychotherapy that people usually seek when they experience present difficulties. Unfavorable events like losing a job or losing a loved one, triggers emotions that need to be released. Counseling gives you a safe environment to discuss your feelings. In the same way, it teaches you how to adjust to your circumstances by following proper strategies.

Existential Therapy

We look for purpose in life because of our human nature. It is inevitable. Existential therapy helps you deal with your confusion, feeling of isolation, and search for meaning. This therapy emphasizes individual experience over personal history. It encourages you to be a genuine person who lives according to their convictions.


Obsessive-compulsive tendencies, constant negative thoughts, inferiority complex, and phobias are some of the problems that Psychoanalysis focuses on. Psychoanalysis explores your behavior to determine the right treatment for you. It digs deep beneath the surface of your psychological condition. You discover even more about yourself as you go through the process.

Emotion-focused Therapy

Emotion-focused therapy aids people who find it hard to deal with their emotions. In a collaborative effort, you and your therapist figure out ways to increase your emotional awareness and acceptance. Likewise, you learn to use your emotions to your benefit and keep yourself from getting greatly affected by them. 

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Under CBT, this type of therapy centers on integrating acceptance and change. Your therapist shows complete acceptance of you and your circumstances which, in turn, facilitates change. DBT provides you with therapeutic skills you need such as mindfulness and emotion regulation.

Somatic Therapy

Standard treatments are not the only option. Somatic therapy combines both psychotherapy and physical therapy to obtain holistic healing. Since it draws from mind-body connection, physical techniques like massage, yoga, dance, and acupressure are used to release repressed tension in the body.


The word ‘Hypnosis’ often elicits mixed reactions. Some of us express interest in it while others express doubt. Hypnotherapy is a procedure in which you are guided into a state of calm and concentration. This self-meditation then leads to the transformation of your behavior and thought pattern. Although it’s not widely considered effective, Hypnotherapy can treat various psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression, and bad habits.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Compared to other therapies, ACT teaches you to acknowledge your thoughts and feelings instead of attempting to change them. As a form of behavioral therapy, it makes use of both acceptance and mindfulness. You overcome hardships when you face them, not when you escape them. Recognizing that suffering is a normal part of life, you commit to making the necessary changes to deal with your issues.

In summary, there are many different kinds of therapy for every psychological condition. With a little more research and maybe some assistance, you can determine which therapy is exactly right for your mental health condition.

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Written by Hannah Grace

A B.S. Psychology graduate who fights both real and imaginary shadows every day with music and words.

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