
Millennials and Meditation: How You Might Actually Relate

Millennials and Meditation: How You Might Actually Relate

Millennials belong in a generation that’s in constant exposure to various sources of stress and distractions. As they keep up with a fast-paced world, they barely have enough time to just be quiet by themselves. Meditation rescues them from these worries. Having many types designed or modified for their every need, it helps millennials get inner peace, balance, healing, and even self-empowerment. Whether you’re a millennial or not, you may relate to the following concerns and you’ll see how meditation plays an important role in handling each one of them.


Both working and studying individuals experience stress. Aside from bills, loans, grades, and other reasons, they feel pressured to prove themselves. Society’s standards are ever-evolving. In the same way, they have people to please such as parents, bosses, or peers. Meditation takes away their cares for awhile and helps them get through. For instance, Mindfulness Meditation involves unwinding in silence, letting go of current burdens. You observe thoughts and feelings that come to you, acknowledging that you can’t control everything in your life. It makes you less emotionally sensitive, reduces your pain, and recharges you. Whichever style you choose, you can meditate for as long (5-10 minutes as the shortest) and as often (daily or weekly) as you need. To see results, you must be consistent until meditating becomes a routine for you.


People today are more aware about the importance of health. Not only do they take great care of their bodies by having a healthy lifestyle, they also treat their mental health as they would their physical. They seek therapeutic interventions regardless of their psychological condition. Zen Meditation is good for problems like anxiety, insomnia, addictive behaviors, and promotes overall well-being. Known to use the “thinking about not thinking” technique, anyone may find this type easy: without focusing on a specific object, you reflect inward as you keep yourself from distracting thoughts. You concentrate on your breathing alone. According to studies, this style of meditation activates the left prefrontal cortex which is responsible for positive feelings such as calmness, happiness, and serenity.

Personal Reasons

We all have our own issues and goals which drive who we are at present. Meditation types similar to Guided Meditation help us transfer our focus from past or existing issues, to what lies in front and ahead of us. In this particular type, a verbal instruction ushers you towards surrendering control of your mind. After entering a relaxed state, you grasp your psyche and harness your innate power to heal through the use of mental imagery. Common visualizations include imagining a ball of healing light, erasing negative thoughts, and picturing a desired outcome. Some of those in their 20s use this meditation to overcome their hidden wounds, while some in their 30s do it to carry out their aspirations.


Mantra Meditation empowers you to change from a self-critical person to someone who accepts himself as he is. ‘Mantra’ refers to repeated words or sound vibrations that bring about healing, creativity, or a higher state of consciousness. Whether spoken quietly or out loud, mantras direct your attention so you can replace unhelpful thoughts with positive ones. Millennials love creating their own mantras which fully express themselves. For example, “I am capable. I am strong. I can excel in my job.” is something a millennial employee would recite.


Going back to meditation’s original purpose, the millennial generation seeks  enlightenment amidst the darkness they see–darkness, meaning humanity’s chaos and limited understanding of the universe. When they meditate, they transcend physical realm and harsh reality. They tap into their subconscious, getting one step closer to discovering the ultimate truth. Thereafter, they become woke, self-realized beings.

It’s tempting to label millennials as overly sentimental individuals or entitled attention-seekers whose interests change faster than their internet connection, but we shouldn’t overgeneralize. Not all of them do meditation for the sake of following a trend. They too, like those among older generations, have real problems and experience the same worldly troubles. Meditation is one of the simple, helpful ways to obtain holistic healing and inner wholeness.

Can you relate? Share your thoughts below. We’d love to hear them!

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Written by Hannah Grace

A B.S. Psychology graduate who fights both real and imaginary shadows every day with music and words.

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