
What Really Is Clinical Depression and How Do You Fight It?

Depression is so prevalent in this generation. According to the World Health Organization, more than 264 million people of all ages suffer from it. Far from mere sadness, a depressed person feels intense negative emotions which make them think they are hopeless enough to attempt suicide. Anyone can experience depression regardless of age, social class, personality, and other factors. Read on to find out more about this condition and how it can be overcome.


There are various reasons why someone becomes depressed. Here are some of them:

  • Stressful circumstances – growing up in a conflict-ridden home, being a victim of abuse, or losing a loved one, increases someone’s risk of depression. 
  • Genetics – though many different genes produce small effects rather than a single one, a family history of depression is a big factor.
  • Major life transition – going through a significant change like graduating or getting divorced, can make a person vulnerable to depression. 
  • Personal issues – low self-esteem and social isolation are only two examples of private matters that cause depression.
  • Other illnesses – depression may be triggered by another medical condition such as cancer, Parkinson’s disease, or amnesia.
  • Substance abuse – misuse of drugs and alcohol aggravate depression.


Depression is not always obvious. While there are those who show it on the outside, there still are people who do their best to cover it. Regardless, you should look out for the following:

  • Pessimism – feeling worthless, helpless, and/or guilty.
  • Irregular sleeping patterns – inability to sleep properly.
  • Irritability – getting too worked up over even little things.
  • Restlessness – having a hard time to concentrate or relax.
  • Overeating or decreased appetite – eating more or less than necessary.
  • Loss of interest in once pleasurable activities – e.g. hobbies, sex, and social interaction.
  • Fatigue – extreme tiredness and weakness even without doing much.
  • Physical problems that don’t go away – pains like headaches or cramps, and digestive problems that resist treatment.
  • Persistent sad, anxious, or hopeless feelings – always experiencing intense negative emotions.
  • Suicidal thoughts or attempts – including thoughts of harming oneself.


You can’t control everything to keep you or anyone else from having depression, but everyone can stop it before it becomes worse. Undergoing the right therapy such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy, and other psychotherapies, is important. You need to follow what your doctor tells you whether it’s taking medicine or sticking to your treatment plan. Furthermore, making lifestyle changes and taking complete care of your self will also help you. Sleep well. Eat right. Exercise. Avoid vices. Get familiar with your condition so you’d know how to stay away from your triggers. Find ways to battle stress like meditation and other effective recreations. Ask for help. Surround yourself with people who understand and love you.


As previously mentioned, psychotherapy plays a vital role in recovery. Intervention involves finding the right specialist–one who has the expertise, experience, and makes you feel comfortable to share your concerns. You don’t have to do it alone. You can receive support from those you know or from those with the position in assisting people like you.

Indeed, depression is a serious condition that requires proper attention. If you or anyone you know is showing signs of it, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Moreover, always reach out to those around you. You never know who’s hiding behind a smile. Though the journey differs for each person, there’s definitely a way out of this predicament. Trials are a normal part of human life. Everyone experiences them, and everyone deserves to overcome them. Like many others who have made it, people with depression can win the battle.

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Written by Hannah Grace

A B.S. Psychology graduate who fights both real and imaginary shadows every day with music and words.

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