
8 Ways Social Media Harms Your Mental Health

social media

Thanks to modern technology, we can connect with people from anywhere in the world. Just a few clicks and you’re already talking to someone you wouldn’t have been able to otherwise. Even in this pandemic, you can stay in touch with those you love through social media. Plus, you get to learn and keep yourself updated on anything by simply going online. However, it’s not always good to be a social media user. Here are 8 ways social media harms your mental health:

The Unrealistic

Through photos and words, anyone’s life can seem wonderful. Beauty, achievements, love, talent, and others can be feigned. You only have to learn how. You can turn something non-existent or small into big deals. For instance, you can post about a minor injury to gain sympathy. Seeing or doing such things is bad for you. Your mind hates distorted reality.         

What You Don’t Need

Have you ever bought a gadget just because you saw its popularity? Social media is great at convincing you. It knows your preferences and what ticks people like you. You’d think you actually need that product you see from those you follow. You’d think the dress on your personalized ad would look great on you. You end up feeling unhappy and cheated afterwards.    

Fake News

False information abound in this day and age. What’s more, a lot of them appear very realistic. News articles can seem to come from credible sources. Folk remedies can seem more effective than medication. You’ve probably been deceived (or almost) by one of these before you knew the real story. Fake news can mess up your mental health if you’re not careful.   

Empty Validation

Social media can’t give you your true worth. No amount of likes, comments, views, friends, or followers can satisfy your need for affirmation. The online world is full of strangers with different intentions–not all good or real. Yes, it feels nice to be recognized, but you shouldn’t let it validate you. Only yourself and those who truly care for you can do that.   

Disposable Relationships

It’s not always easy forming a relationship on social media. Unlike in person, you can’t really know everything about someone. You might make a few friends or find somebody special, but it would be hard keeping them. Investing much of your time and feelings in an unsure relationship can do serious harm to your mental health. 

Herd Mentality

Going online can be like meeting with your team. People who share the same sentiments or goals as you. Any group can come together for a good purpose (charity, sharing hobbies, supporting each other,etc.) but they can do it for the opposite too. Take haters for example. If you’re vulnerable, you may get influenced by unhealthy groups. 

Being Unproductive

Apps are addictive. Even more so when they involve social interaction. You can scroll for hours on end or engage in mindless chatter all night. Before you know it, the day is over. You no longer have enough time to do more important stuff. Social media use can make you lazy and forget other things that need your attention. It can even affect your overall health.  

A Show

As you may already know, social media tempts people to exaggerate. With the number of people who can see your posts and friends as a regular audience, it’s easy to give in. You can’t help but put on a show when everyone else is doing it. Toxic relationships can be picture-perfect. Simple misunderstandings can stir drama. Leading a double life is detrimental to mental health.    

Using social media has its pros and cons depending on who uses it and for what purpose. It can be a blessing or a curse. Yes everyone’s free to do whatever they want, but it comes with a responsibility. Whether one cares or not, their words and everything they post will affect someone. You need to be careful on social media. Don’t let anyone take advantage of you. Don’t let a stranger or even a favorite celebrity easily influence you. Always practice awareness and be wise.

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Written by Hannah Grace

A B.S. Psychology graduate who fights both real and imaginary shadows every day with music and words.


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